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Program not following Clearance Group


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I do not use stylus rack holder. I use manually change the stylus system. When I change to different stylus system, I always move the header outside of the clearance plane box.

-Moved header in Y- and in +Z of clearance plane
-Changed stylus system
-Next feature (symmetrical point) to use stylus #4(according to stop light reference).
Clearence group(CP) set +Y.
When continue to run, the CMM travel -Z then from -Y. It is supposed to travel +Y, -Z, then +Y to measure the feature.
- If I move header to +Y of the Clearance plane box....it travel exactly what I asked.

I verified the CP travel, CP box, Mutiple times and it looks fine to me
Is it me or the program is screwed it up?

ref:102455562 part 1
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Your manual input during the inspection is impacting the navigation. The machine will drive to escape clearance planes. Depending on where you are in the program (between clearance plane assignments or in the middle of a set that are the same), it will drive to the next or to the nearest.

Lesson here - Best practice is to use the CNC machine in a CNC manner. Utilize a stylus rack to realize repeatable behavior. In my experience, manual probe change routines are the #1 cause of non-program related machine crashes.
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