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Probe qualification program goes to z limit


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So I wrote a quick probe qualification program that requalifies all stylus systems and it goes through the program and at the end it returns to the Z limit and shuts down the drives on the duramax. I'm thinking i missed something simple but can't seem to find the answers. 😐
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Are you a seasoned programmer that started with much older versions of Calypso? I ask because we ran into this and it turns out the instructions for Calibration programs have changed. Apparently they used to have you make an alignment and run it in that.

Now, after doing the MasterProbe, run your Calibration program on "Current Alignment" and the "Navigation feature to feature" should be set to "Position Points Only"

Change those two settings in your Calibration program and the problem will vanish.
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Yes, I have been programming for a long time.
The "Position Points only" is what I missed.
I'm setting up autorun and I don't want it to shut the drives off on anyone.
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