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Step rotarytable


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Hey guys!

how to step the RT by pcm?
- increment
- absulute

rtPositionOffset() has no effect

Thx for help
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Hey Florian,

If you have inserted the PCM function rtPositionOffset in a test plan, you must perform a rotary table reference run before the CNC run.

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Ok, first check failed in manual mode.
I ran the rt reference and then ran the
I´ll check it another time in cnc mode.

My Problem is: The RT is allowed turn maximum -40° +400° (because of cables to my fixture)
I have to make sure that my program doesn´t turn the tabel out of that limits.
So I want to set some PCM commands to turn the table back to (0°) (not to 360°)
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A few RT related PCM commands;
PCM = As always, use at your own risk. I have not personally verified that these commands function as expected.

getRTOffset() Rotary Table Offset value

getRTPosition() Latest position of Rotary table

getRTPositionCMM() Latest position of Rotary table in machine coordinate-system

rtPositionOffset() Define offset for RT (angle in radians)



goHome(vector) Rotates RT to specified vector

rtIsActive() Boolean value, Is rotary table active? true/false

rotateWithDriveFree() Boolean value, Is rotary table active? true/false
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