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Export Templates


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     I was wondering if there is a way to change the amount of header lines I can add onto an Inspection export using the PiWeb with Additional Data function? I saw that a new format could be used that would have those extra header lines however I am unable to find a good version. Who should I contact to create a custom format for my exports to align with my PiWeb Imports?

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Hello Josue,

first of all it would be helpful if you could provide an example of how your export format should look like. Then we can see if we can fit this into our schedule. But if you know a little XSLT or Python, you could try to create your own custom format. Every available format can be used as a basement for your specific format. If you need any help with that, feel free to ask us.


Daniel Schrein

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Thank you,

However I am unable to properly load the new xsl format into the ATOS software. The only way I have been able to do so is if that format already exists in a package. I downloaded a package (QDAS AQDEF (Value Lines)) and that worked fine and created a new format option in the PiWeb Export with Additional Data function but still not to our standard. Either way, we are looking at getting the dfq file that includes this as the headerlines or Keywords if you will. We will eventually be using these keywords for Kiosk customization but One thing at a time. 

Header Count.PNG

DFQ HeaderCount.PNG

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We would also look to get positional data for the nominal checks. See attached Image. As of now, we are unable to add those elements as they do not exist in the QDAS-Elements xsl file. We would need some pointers on where we add these new elements XYZ center coordinates so that they can be transfered to the QDAS-Aqdef xsl format sheet. 

DFQ Format Changes.PNG

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Hello Josue,

You can either import a new format via Edit->Preferences->Export/Import->Export by pressing the import button in the upper right corner. Or you can save the xslt files manually into this location "..\AppData\Roaming\gom\2021\export\xslt". Here you can find all user formats. Or if you have specified a public folder you have to look in there.

Regarding your format changes as far as I know they are not conform to the QDAS standard. If you want to add new K Values to the header you can simply add project keywords which needs to follow a naming convention. For example qdas_k1001 for part number. Then you can specify the value using this keyword.

Coordinates could be exported using x, y and z checks. As far as I know each characteristic needs to be exported separately. Otherwise you need to define what K Values you want to use for the coordinates. 

You could use the identity transformation on the processed xml file to get all available data. Then you could add the functionality accordingly. But this obviously needs a deeper knowledge of the xslt programming language.

If this is to complicated for you, you can contact the GOM support to open a case for your custom format. There you need to provide an exact description of the desired format. Then we will add this to our schedule.


Daniel Schrein

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Thank you Daniel. This helps. 
It looks like we will need help on the the XSL language side of things. Our ultimate need is for PiWeb to read the dfq and still provide a connection to the meshmodel so that we can create the views for each element when we are creating the report templates. Right now we are using the positional locations by exporting a DMO file and importing it to PiWeb separately. We hope to get that information along with everything else in a one button solution. 
Best way I see at achieving this is to get a template package straight from GOM. I will continue this discussion on the GOM support side and see what is needed for that to be accomplished. Thanks again. 

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