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True Position for only specified diameters?


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Good morning all,

I am working on a program now, there are a handful of diameters that have True Position requirements with angles and radius basic dimensions but there are a few that have a linear distance for their basic dimension.

I know that in the Features Representation window I can switch the position between cartesian and cylinder coordinates, but is there a way to switch only specified features so that those with distance requirements will still show that information instead of angles and radii?

Thanks in advance.
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While in the Features Representation window, click the + sign at top left. Highlight all of the features you want to have a specific setting. This will create a subset under the feature type. Select each item and set the desire properties. Repeat for each item.
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Great idea bud, I thought I already requested this on MyVoice, I couldn't find anything, so I requested it again :

https://portal.zeiss.com/my-voice/softw ... c6a676a583

This should have been there long ago - would have been very helpful.

I've also requested output to be 0-360° instead of 0 to +180 and 0 to -180.

https://portal.zeiss.com/my-voice/softw ... 6a07885540
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