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Bore pattern


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I've never used this option before. Imagine a bowl sitting partly inside a very wide shallow cone (.050") section with a flat
bottom. The cone is Datum -A- and there is a small OD cylinder at the 12:00 (Datum -B-). There are 4 slots equally spaced
around the bowl. There is a position callout for each slot to A & B. It will not pass a type-1 gage rr. The position is currently
being reported out 4 separate times. Can the bore pattern option be used in this scenario. If so, please elaborate on settings.
Thank you in advance.
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Create Position characteristic. Open it. Click Best Fit Bore pattern icon at top
Select Datum A as your Primary Datum and Datum B as your Secondary Datum and enter your tolerance.
Click Bore Pattern button. Click Select Features. Select the 4 slots. Click OK
Under Best Fit, . Uncheck Rotation and Translation Click OK.
Clcik Calculate Now button
Click green icon at top for plot Adjust magnification. Click Plot

Is the axis of Datum B parallel or perpendicular to the axis of the cone?
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So I'm clear on this. If there are three features being evaluated for position back to two datums. A plane (Z) and a diameter (XY) (no tertiary clocking datum) I would uncheck rotation and translation? Allowing both datums to do so?
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