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Profile Callouts with MMC?


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I'm still relatively new to GD&T and its uses on CMM. I have a customer drawing calling out profile as such: ⌓ l.005l A l BⓂ. Datum A is the bottom flat surface and Datum B is the O.D. All other features of this part are to be checked using this callout. Calypso only allows profile to be checked using 3 datums so I'm using Datum B as the secondary and tertiary as I believe with it being cylindrical, it can be used as both? No matter what I do, however, I am not getting consistent results and the part is coming up as out of tolerance. With datum B on the callout stating MMC, how do I get this as part of the measurement seeing as profile doesn't allow for mmc?
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The circled "M" in the DRF does not indicate MMC but indicates MMB or "shift". Utilizing the GD&T Beta in CALYPSO 23 should allow you to apply the proper MMB (provided datum B is a feature of size and you have specified a tolerance).
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