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Traveling past set clearance page


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I'm running a program that has been running for over a year now perfectly fine. Didn't need to run in since November now I'm having issues without changing anything. When I set my probing object to on, after setting alignment the CAD to real life is matching up where it shows the probe touching. When I enter from +Z I'm not having any issues but when entering from + or -Y plane when traveling on its own it keeps red lighting because its past the machines limits. I have over 2 inches on each side of clearance before the machine actually reaches its limits. Checked strategies to make sure there wasnt a floating point anywhere. Also checked clearance/retract distance none of them would of pushed me to machine limit. When I test drive to clearance plane it shows my probe going past each of the Y planes. Calibrated the probes before running program as well as again after running into these issues. Has anyone had anything similar or any suggestions of what to check? I usually just create a new base alignment whenever I've had random offsets pop up in my programs, I don't believe that this is the only way to correct it.
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I am not. Started with manual alignment, once encountered issues i set the base alignment then ran it with same issues.
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When you did the last manual alignment, did you probe the line points in the order shown on the screen? Say your planar rotation axis for the base alignment is a line in the -Y axis, but you probe the points going in the +Y axis, it will negatively affect your navigation.
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It's a recalled line from 2 circles, but yes for the circles I probed same position showed on the screen. I wish I could attach a video, it's almost comical to watch the probe just travel straight through the clearance plane and continue out to the machine limit. Again this morning I just recalibrated everything.
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Go to Plan and select navigation, blocked edges. The boxed and checked circles should be at the bottom of the cube and if not, you're alignment has flipped.
If flipped, go to Resources and select Utilities and then scroll to the bottom and select "set base alignment to zero" and then re-run the manual alignment.
Another thing it could be is one feature has the incorrect probe selected in the strategy or clearance plane.
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Yessir, immediately as that does usually fix a lot of calypso bugs. Unfortunately didn't work this time.
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Blocked edges were the 3 at the bottom. I've still done the set base alignment to zero and redo alignment with no luck. I'm very confident in my alignment due to the probing object matching up well with the CAD. I do a stylus change before it goes to scan the feature so i know its the correct probe. Really wish i could send video of it but it clearly shows my stylus going past the +Y plane.
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Did you add a new or longer probe to the stylus system since the first time you ran it? I'm just wondering if it's trying to clear another probe tip around the Y sides of the clearance cube. Or maybe someone added a probe tip to that stylus system in Calypso but it's not really on it?
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I'm the only person with access to it so I can confidently say no nothing was changed. As mentioned before the probe is traveling where it needs to go when i turn clearance planes off and the probe in front of the feature it scans fine. When you show points its right on top of the scan path. When I have it in a bore the cad shows it in a bore
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HI Zach,

I emailed you a reply earlier this morning after you opened a ticket. I think I know what the problem is that you are having. In Calypso, you can set an extra safety zone around your probe head. This value default is 100mm. If we shrink it down, it will take care of your issue. You will find it in:


Then the probe tab on the right.

Change that diameter Value to 50 and then hit apply. This will add 25mm to your clearance planes (1/2 the diam value). If its still too large for you, then you can shrink it even more.
Click the Control tab on the right and then hit reconnect.
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Hi Zach,

Great spending time with you on the phone!! Glad we got this fixed. It ended up being a bad configuration folder. We created a new one, qualed all the tips and good to go!!!

Take care and dont break a leg skiing!
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Sorry for the delay Devin. I had a bad config folder and possible the program i was trying to run became corrupted.
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The only instance where I encountered something similar is on an older Eclipse CMM when I had the incorrect stylus active on the control panel during a manual alignment. For example, I had the Y+ probe of a star stylus system active but I meant to have the Z- probe active.
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This wasn't anything the programmer (Zack) was doing incorrectly. HIs "config" directory experienced a corrupted file that caused an action that is inconsistent with normal expected behavior. I recommend everyone maintain a backup of their config folder as this the most complete way to restore an installation of CALYPSO to previous settings and data (namely: styli)

Here are a few suggestions on backup/restoration of "config" directories to read.
https://portal.zeiss.com/knowledge-base ... id=1260714 - Copy via File Explorer (make sure to do after fresh restart)
https://portal.zeiss.com/knowledge-base ... &id=955548 - Backup via Error Report
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Couldn't agree more if we didnt back up my stylus i would of added hours of work to get back to normal. Thanks for all your help jeff.
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