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PCM parameter for cylinder


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Hello all,
a simple question.
Are there PCM parameters for the geometry element cylinder when I program as a path helix.
I want to read out the start height, target height, number of revolutions and gradient/incline.
Does anyone have a solution?
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When you say you want to "Read out". Do you mean change values?
If so, create your .PARA file with all the variables you want.

Right click in each of those fields you mention > Formula > Function > Parameter
List for the variables for the start height, target height, number of revolutions.
Gradient/Slope won't allow PCM.
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Assuming "read out" means pump into a Result element or something similar on the report.

Along the lines of this: viewtopic.php?p=52848#p52848

// For "Cylinder1" with the following in the strategy:
//   1: Clearance Data
//   2: Helix

// The 2 in getParametersNamed corresponds to the 2: Helix strategy above
//   getActual or getNominal should both work
helix_cylinder = getParameterNamed(getNominal("Cylinder1").measElement.technology.segments, 2)

start_height = helix_cylinder.measuringHeight     // Start height
target_height = helix_cylinder.measuringHeightMax // Target height
num_rotations = helix_cylinder.numberOfPaths      // Number of rotations
gradient_incline = helix_cylinder.gap             // Gradient
Height and gradient results will be in metric!
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Thank you Andrew for this , this is very helpful and would have likely never have been found without someone like you.

I actually inferred from the other post it would likely involve :
getParameterNamed(getNominal("Cylinder1").measElement.technology.segments, 2)
However, since the helix_cylinder and other instance variables are fairly undocumented, I did not even find them in mimir app.

My question is : is there anything you can share with us how to find more of these hidden attributes, etc?

Users like your self and Michael Krauskopf have been very helpful, I think you both are very experienced code developers and/or possibly past or current Zeiss employees, etc.

No need to tell us. Thank you again for all the support !

It's to the point where I'm wondering why this isn't included by Zeiss - the system stuff I can understand , someone could do damage; but measurement plan stuff - come on. Heck at this point I might pay a small amount for PCM-Advanced license .. 🤣 🤣 🤣 j/k Zeiss please don't get any ideas ... 🤣 🤣 😃

Anyways thank you everyone !

Chris 🧑‍💻
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Hello Winfried,

in my case the commands which Andrew Brogan posted work properly (see first attachments).

helix = getParameterNamed(getNominal("Zylinder1").measElement.technology.segments, 2)

Starthoehe= helix.measuringHeight    
Zielhoehe = helix.measuringHeightMax 
Anz_Umdrehungen= helix.numberOfPaths     
Gradient= helix.gap            

display("Starthöhe:  " + Starthoehe + cr() + "Zielhöhe:  " + Zielhoehe + cr() + "Anzahl Umdrehungen:  " +  Anz_Umdrehungen + cr() + "Gradient:  " + Gradient)
Is it possible that you have selected the wrong segment in the strategy? (see second attachments)
For instance, if the helix is at the third position the correct segment is given by
 getParameterNamed(getNominal("Zylinder1").measElement.technology.segments, 3)


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