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Selective Point Masking?


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Long story short, I'm hoping to have a simple way to recall only the points between the green circles.

Edit: In case it's not clear, the green circles I just added in Paint to show what the zone is, the blue polyline is the strategy.

Manual point masking doesn't seem to exist for planes?

I can do it with RFP > add range limits and create a bunch of boxes... but that sucks to do. I was essentially hoping to recall a hollow cylinder but that doesn't seem to work either.

Recall Question.jpg

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If you can not change path/strategy, then you can use point range selection ( from - to ) - but remember, that numbers don't correspond to nominal points, but measured points defined by point density.

Why such narow selection? Will results be affected? Alternatively you can use curve, where you can mask points, but recalling points will be with masked points.
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The customer drawing defines Datum -A- as a zone with that specific width. For cycle time I would like to use a strategy like this as opposed to the easier ones like multiple levels of broken circle paths - lift offs and then making contact again add up to quite a bit of cycle time for very little gain in the quality of measurement for this application.

I don't HAVE to use this strategy, it's just one of the fastest ones I can think of that will avoid any liftoffs.
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That is actually exactly what I'm looking to improve lol

The issue is it's slow, the tight curves mean that especially on XXT I have to scan fairly slow.
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This makes me consider a higher level programming method where you could pattern and loop a recall feature point zone so that it covers a specific area, rotates 5-10 degrees about an index point and covers the next area until it has covered 360°...

A topic very similar to this is covered in the CALYPSO Expert course.
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Well if they would let them teach the expert class in Canada....lol

Also - I had no idea something like this was possible. It's recalling points outside what I think the box should be... but the general idea is working. Just need to figure out why it's pulling a ton more points. (Not the same part, but a sister part with a similar strategy... I had it open when I saw your reply)
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This is random, and not a solution for your task. I just wanted to say that I am constantly impressed by your broad understanding of Calypso and metrology. You are able to develop solutions by learning, experimenting, and iterating. It seems like you have a productive curiosity and are not afraid to ask, "hey, I wonder if ___ is possible?"

Thanks for contributing on this forum. I learn a lot from you.
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Great implementation!

The Expert class should be available Live-Online through ZEISS directly in North America. I cannot speak for the international community on this topic.
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Damn. And honestly you're one of the people on here I learn from, this forum has been invaluable to me. I've only been doing this about 4 years - I'm just the guy who asks why, and I piss off a lot of people doing it.

My environment in very conducive to this. We have so many CMMs that run so many times a day that it's worth the hour or two to figure out something like this that saves 30 seconds of runtime... because that program may run 3000-5000 times a month.

Or to spend days creating PCM code that controls everything about what they can run, because it prevents damage and saves many times that in repairs and calibrations.
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