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Output last characteristic after measuring with loop and offse


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Hallo all,

I have a fundamental question.
I'm measuring the position of a hole. The characteristic Position is slightly out of tolerance because there is still some dirt in the bore. That's why I offset the measuring height in my example in the appendix.
I repeat this process a few times until a termination criterion is reached.
In the PiWeb protocol I only want to have the last measurement, whether correct or not.
Does anyone have an idea, how I can get only the last result in the PiWeb ? cadcube_WUH_POS.pptx
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Nothing natively can be done on the PiWeb side unfortunately. Would really require some under the hood tinkering to get a template to do what you are asking from the PiWeb side.

A potential work around if you have PCM is to create some kind of loop parameter to keep track which loop count it ends on for your program. Then formula that into a true position characteristic to just input the name of the last circle ran.

Something like this:
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