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New Vast-XT gold head replaced but Calpyso won't recognize it.


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Just had a new Vast-XT gold head replaced from an older Vast-XT gold that was going bad. Now Calpyso software won't let me do scanning and inside the CMM setting it's default to Vast-DT and wont let me change to the Vast-XT gold and save changes.

Edit: Zeiss was able to control the pc remotely and did some behind the scenes update and it's working now.


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We purchased a used head from a company that was going out of business about a year ago, and Zeiss service said it had to be "tuned " before it would work. It's not a simple swap out.
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Try running the most current version of Device Activator (available from download portal).
That won't spare you the necessary "tuning" of the new head by Zeiss, but it might make it work technically.
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