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Corrupted CAD entity


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I imported this model and created a 3d curve. Notice the light blue curve does not go through that far surface.
In Calypso that surface extracts as a plane. but it's a curved surface. In SolidWorks that surface extracts as a
cone (as it should).

Also, when I look in the Hierarchy tab, that surface should highlight when I click on the Entity, but it does not.
Healing the model didn't help. The fix was to save the model in Calypso as a step file, delete the original and
import the step. Has anyone had this problem?

I wasted a lot of time trying to figure this out. Our designer said it was a customer model and there was nothing
he could do, as it seemed fine in Solidworks.
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I have this problem every now and then, it depends on how it is exported: as step, sat.... sometimes it helps to save it differently in solidworks, as parasolid....
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