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Disabling Clearance Move


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I'm struggling to get Calypso to do what I want when it comes to not retracting to the clearance plane when probing a series of points. I have points 53-55 on SCP +Z and points 56-58 on SCP 2+Z a little bit lower. After taking point 55, it retracts to the clearance plane, moves over and down to point 56 and takes the point.

I've tried adding positioning moves after taking point 55 to have it move down and over to where point 56 is, but it still moves straight up to the clearance plane and back down before taking point 56. I've also tried setting the "Move to..." setting to not at all as well as setting the clearance distance to a negative number and neither had any effect. Is what I'm trying to do not possible with different SCPs?


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Points 56-58 are lower than points 53-55, so to keep it from retracting up for 56-58 I had to use a different SCP. Is there a different way to do this?
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Agreed this should just be 1 Sub clearance plane.

A simple rule for sub clearance planes is you should ONLY use them when all features on them can be reached with no interference. This is something to remember if you use the same sub clearance plane at one point, then again sometime later in the program. Which is why I always make my own with meaningful names.

In this case it's fairly simple, make sure the retract/clearance distances allow you to go from the upper level to another by shortest path and then use one Sub clearance.
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If I put them on the same SCP, points 56 and 57 move up before moving to the next point. This does give me a diagonal move from 55 to 56 like I want though.
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Ok, I got it. I set the clearance plane for ALL points to the height of the lower points and it works as I want. For the points above the clearance plane I expected that it would move down before the next point, but it appears it will only move to the CP if it is above the point, not below.
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In the sub-clearance definitions window, select the sub-clearance plane you're using and un-check "Retract to...." (don't remember the exact text) When this is un-checked, features sharing "like" sub-clearance plane names will move from the clearance distance to clearance distance. If clearance distances are set to 0.000, then moves will be from retract distance to retract distance, which the behavior you're trying to accomplish.
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THIS is the real answer. I was putting in a negative value equal to the distance from the base alignment to the Z value of the points (plus the radius of the styli). I didn't realize what it would do if left unchecked. Thanks.

Also, when I said diagonal before, I meant a move in XYZ, not just XY.

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