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Moving the column midway down the bridge, the X Axis cuts the drives off


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To an attempt to resolve the issues with the drives shutting off. I have done an extensive cleaning of the scales and bearing surfaces of our CONTURA 6206 07/07/06 and then investigating further I found the following:

1. The X axis, when moving in -X direction stops at the same spot mid-way along the bridge every time. I can manually move the column to the right of this X axis mid-point and can turn the drives on again and move the column in any of the three axis without the drives not shutting off until I come to the mid-point of the bridge in the X axis.

2. I can move the column in the X axis to any negative position from the X axis mid-point, and the machine drives will not turn on. Any position to the right of the mid-point and they turn on.


1. Could the X axis limit switch be out of position?

2. Could there be a software or parameters that could causing the problem?

3. Or something else that I could be missing?
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