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Exceeding TL3 Radial Length


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We make gear carriers and often need to measure both sides of a part in a single run so we load almost exclusively in the ZY plane. Our XXT machines have TL3 heads and we use up every bit of that 60-65mm(depending on source) radial limit, and about 14g of the 15g weight limit.

Crappy situation now, is a new part that we would need about 70mm in the -X direction. Does anybody here have any experience on exceeding that radial limit?

Loading this part in the XY plane would mean almost every machining operation requires part flips, and some things become unmeasurable if a datum and the toleranced feature are not measurable in the same part position.

We have some GageMax CMMs with XT heads that also run this part, they obviously have no probe length issues, which is another reason to stay ZY if possible, so I can have the exact same program on different CMMs.
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You should be able to measure it. The results and acceptance should be based on a GRR rather than any specs presented to you. Quality styli and configuration are always of increased necessity when your lengths approach (or exceed) limits.
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