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Angle coming out as wildly incorrect


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I have scanned 4 meshes of the same part. When measuring an angle on the first 3 meshes then angle comes out as somewhere close to nominal. For some reason, the last angle is wildly incorrect.

Do you know what can cause this?

P.S. All meshes are imported into the same project as different stages.

Many Thanks.

Capture 1.PNG

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Hello Khalil,

please check the actual data in this stage. The alignment could be different with the mesh in this stage or the actual elements used for the calculation of the angle could be calculated different to the other stages.



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Nanno's hint should be checked first, but if this still not explain a big difference between nominal and actual may be the following hint helps: Avoid restrictions of angles regarding the coordinate plane. Most of our customer are not aware what this means: The physical representation of the geometry  of the angle are projected into the chosen "plane". Then the angle is calculated of these projected lines are calculated. And this value can easily express a complete different semantic than you expect. Of course, this depends on the geometry of the angle.

And if this still not helps you have to contact your local GOM partner and you have to supply the project for further investigations.




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