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Hello, gm.
I´m looking for ideas to how to accomplish the next task:

I already have a parametric program to run several part models, I mean in the past we measured a part type "A" with 10 programs, same complex geometry but in different sizes so the main issue was to mantain all these program with the last revision so, If we develop/release/improve something we need to update all the 10 programs (and to be honest is a challenge to keep the order in a 24/7 manufacturing company where we measure the 100% of the critical parts also is a hard work to create a file structure to keep all the changes documented in a file).
I decide to create a single program to run more than 500 part sizes of sever platforms the keep and just mantain a one single program so all fine at this point but: one of the platform have the smallest features in the company so I need to use a 3mm probe styli in my star stylus config. the reason is because we scanning involutes geometries but with the velocity to scanning parts in the big geometries I use a 5 mm styli with a thicker shaft to avoid the shiftness and shanking for reason like perpendicularity in the wall of the involutes and with the velocity, with the smaller geometries I use the 3 mm with a short shaft and the shaft according with the ruby ball.

So, I need to change for example: if my partsize is "big" run the program with the stylus config SRL_002 (5mm styli), but if the partsize is "small" run with SRL_001 (3mm styli), all the stylus name are standarized for example if Im using the X and -X direction (3 and 5 standar positions) I named them 3_+X and 5_-X. The idea sounds not complicated but I dont know what commands are needed to updated the STYLUS values into the program. maybe the getNextStylusSystemName() works but how to use it?

Supplies the next required stylus system for stylus system change. The
syntax is:


Thank for your support as always.

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This should be able to be done by using a variable in the probe selection to set which configuration to use, and then some pcm to set that variable. In the example I attached I used a message box that would pop up and ask what size, just to keep it simple for simulation. You could definitely use other methods to determine the size. I will paste the code below as well for convenience. As with all pcm, test it and use at your own risk. In my example I did things slightly backwards, although it would still work. It may be easier to implement the PCM to determine the probe before making the probe selection variable. 2915_11fd628421643a73198175c07d69751e.gif
Partsize=inquireList("What Size Part","Small", "Large")
if Partsize=="Small"
ProbeToUSE=10 (replace this with your EXACT probename, may need quotes around it)
ProbeToUSE=80 (replace this with your EXACT probename, may need quotes around it)
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Not only does it "work". It is an extremely useful tool. Also keep in mind that you can apply parameterized values to much more than just the Stylus System for these options. Nearly all inputs, except those set as drop-downs (and there are exceptions for those as well) can be parameterized.
This program ran 52 different configurations of a component type with 100-150 size variations per configuration. 9 parameterized Stylus Systems and individual styli assignments to satisfy the variations.

Also 4 different mini-plans selected based on available run time as communicated from the automated robot cell PLC (quick - 30 seconds, in-process - 2 minutes, robust - 10 minutes, full - 40 minutes)
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Thanks for your comments Jeff, I have several options already in use with pcm, like code generator, some PiWeb extras, generator of codes, barcode in to control the operator use, now the stylus selection, creation of commands or special task...btw with pcm we decreasee the time inspection in 60% of original time consumption.

The new point that we want to explore is with auniversalrobot that we acquire this year and start with some experiments like to have a cobot instead of operator inside of the clean room we just need to standarize how to clean the parts before 🤣
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