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Referencing mini plan in PiWeb


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I have a program that uses a couple different mini plans. I would like to put in my piweb reort header which miniplan was selected but I am unable to find a variable to control this, I would also like to put which miniplan was selected in the PDF name.

Any help would be appreciated
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Use "ALL meas plans" for setting a global value that can be applied easily to this and other plans. Use "THIS meas plan" to recall that setting from "ALL Plans" each time (so you only have to create the filepath string one time. Subsequent plans only need the check box ticked.)
Calypso PCM Syntax for Mini-plan name = getRunID()
You should be able to select it from the Report Header fields as well.

Some conversion values from PCM to PiWeb... 4710_856676641e770b8b8208e2e3709caa77.jpg
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  • 3 weeks later...
will this only report out if you select the mini plan from the run screen. Or will it report out if the mini plan is selected through a pcm process?
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