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Older Vista CMM Drives wont turn on now?


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So today we tried to use our CMM and the Drives wont turn on. The button is blinking and when you press it to turn them on it says "Not Supported" ????

Don't know what could of happend to it. We used it last week no issues at all. Air pressure is fine as it allways was. Screen on controller is stuck on the "Zeiss Firmware version" screen....

I know Zeiss doesn't support the Vista anymore but i figured id ask here for any help..

Thank again,
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Has anything changed in the interim, such as a firmware update of the CMM, probehead replacement, Calypso update? Additionally, does this occur when the CMM is started with the PC off, or only when connected to Calypso?
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Nothing has changed or any updates at all... It does it with the computer off. It does contect to the CPU with the network cable tho..
But cant do anything without the drives being on. Just blinks and when i try to turn them on it says "Not Supported" on the control screen...
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I would try fully shutting down the CMM Controller and rebooting it (just as a "maybe it will work"), and then perhaps opening a ticket with the Hardware Helpdesk. The VISTA is no longer a supported CMM, but they may be able to make a "best effort" attempt to assist you.
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We opened up the Computer under the CMM found some Floppys and a Zeiss USB key. Normally that computer is always off so we turned it on and it fixed the problem. CMM connects to Calypso and runs..Turned off the computer under the CMM and tried to starting it up and got the same error as before. So im guessing there is some sort of battery that went bad? Like a motherboard battery? The controller isnt getting the boot info unless the computer is running. When you push the power button on the controller are you turning on that computer under the CMM?
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