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Reference plate


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On XXT, they just paint the small hub red. And, the alignment dots are red, too.

Looks like someone exchanged the 2 plates

Funny, I just noticed my MasterProbe is not painted red on small hub, but I do have red alignment dots. Must be a cost savings measure.


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Didn't knew about the new reference plate design.
So I assume that in the picture there are actually 1 new and 1 older but both reference plates, which is fine.

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Something I always wondered about, is there any relevant technical difference between normal and reference plates for any probe head system (e.g. VAST XT) other than the color or print? Maybe special IDs in the ID chip?
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I don't think there is. It's just the red paint. Although apparently for the VAST plates that red ring sticker costs $500.

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They didn't actually paint both, old plates had the red hub and black alignment dots, new ones have red alignment dots only. I've found the hub paint to be really weak and susceptible to damage, and using the dots instead makes it a lot less likely that it'll get scraped off.
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