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CMM Serial number


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My current employer want to add the serial number of the SPC to the raw data so that when we pull it into QC Calc or the new software they will be going to the sn is a field it can use for classification purposes. Is there a way to do it systemically or do I need to add a field to the report? If so anyone have a crash course to remind me how to do that? I used to do it regularly but haven't had to in over 5 years.
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Our export to QDAS contains K1201 as machine number and K1202 as machine name.

In qdas config file ( C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\Calypso X.X\qdasconv.con ) we have those lines

K1201 20  A   P:dmesn
K1202 40  A   P:dmeid
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