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Formula to repeat measurement on angle


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I am checking a 45° chamfer. It is very short and does not repeat very well. Does anybody know if there is a formula to
put in the characteristic side for the loop, condition or parameter, so that the CMM calypso would check the feature
"X" amount of times until the 45° comes in good to the ± tolerance. If the formula says check the feature up to 5 times
and it comes out good on the 3rd try the CMM would move on the the next feature. If it doesn't come in good after
5 times it will show the bad result and move to the next feature to check.


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Assuming you run from Features list, the Characteristics aren't calculated until the end of the run so your loop needs to exist on the Feature, not the characteristic

You can do it with PCM on the feature side if you have it.

However, it's probably better to just improve the measurement of the Chamfer.


Under Evaluation, Lock Normal Vector. This really helps on very short chamfers.

Measure the chamfer with points, especially if using XXT. We have much better luck with 2 circle paths with 4 points each, or 3-4 lines with 2-3 points each.
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We run the program from the characteristic side coming straight down at a 45° angle. We have tried running it with the Normal vector check marked, with points, scanning, evaluations and point masking. We have had problems with this chamfer for years.
I assume there has to be a formula to use. I just don't know what it is.
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Can you give us the details ? Chamfer diameter, distance ? Are you using a line or a cone feature ? When using the cone feature, roundess issues also causes error and calculation problems. It sounds like you've tried scanning and creating kink point..
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