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VMR extra robot move after scanning


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We noticed that sometimes after scanning with SCB6 the robot make some extra moves. It moves on validated path but only take some photos.

Is it possible that program automatically correct (retake) some photos after the end of the scanning series?


Best regard,


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Hi Máté,

do you refer to the behavior of the Kiosk interface or to the normal mode of the GOM Software?

You can control automatic repetitions of measurements in the menu Acquisition -> Acquisition Parameters -> Automation. But those repetitions are executed while the robot is still at the measurement position. You can manually measure at individual positions by using "Measure at selected positions" while having some measurement selected.

Why do you want to retake the measurements after the end of the measurement series?

Maybe this helps already?



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It is in Kiosk mode. I do not want to retake measurements but it seems that the Kiosk do it anyway sometimes.

I was just wondering what can it be?

Best regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Máté,

could you contact us at support@gom.com with the question? I think we need to have a look at a project with measuring data to analyse this.


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  • 1 month later...

to try to help....   In kiosk there are logic checks that decide whether there should be a further attempt to measure after the meas series is completed 

A config file controls what percentage of ' warning'/ failed measurements are acceptable. If this check fails the software will attempt measuring those measurements only.

Personally i would run this project in the ' normal' mode of the software . What you are looking for is any measurements that remain a warning/ fail (stop sign)

This warning could be for any reason - so you need the project to work out what .


id look for the following first:

sensor movement 


triple scan point quality


i hope this helps 



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