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Programmable Stop


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Hello! New to Calypso (former PCDMIS user). I am trying to use a programmable stop to display how/where to load the workpiece. YouTube showed me how to do this via Feature > Strategy but I want this message to pop up BEFORE basic alignment is performed. I realize that there is User Definition button on the Start Measurement screen but would like this to prompt right after the operator hits the Run button. Thank you!
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Best thing to do is go to the Measurement plan Comments and start typing what you want done..

When an operator opens the Run window .. on the top right is that Comment window where they can read and scroll down of what is detailed. You will just need to highlight that to the operators.. I use this window for Operators and point them to picture setups since the Program only allows one Image or 1 video... So i set up folders that have multiple of each. I have this same issue where I can only have the Stop after the Alignment is done.
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