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Conditional Report Output


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I am looking for a way to conditionally hide certain characteristics from the PiWeb report automatically based on the actual values' out-of-tolerance condition. Is this something that can be achieved through PiWeb, or will it require the use of PCM?

I am hoping to control this functionality in such a way that:
- Critical characteristics are always reported
- Non-critical characteristics are normally hidden from the report unless they exceed some threshold beyond the specification limit

This is to automatically eliminate non-critical characteristics from the report entirely unless there is a deviation deemed severe enough to warrant further investigation. On our current PiWeb reports, all characteristics are always reported and sensitive non-criticals can jump out of tolerance by a few ten-thousandths of an inch due to allowable surface finish variation, under-deburring, over-deburring, part not being perfectly clean, etc. These trivial deviations on the report have only served to distract our staff from more important issues. However, I do not want to eliminate non-criticals permanently from the report and create blind spots for ourselves.
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Yes, this can absolutely be handled with PiWeb.

I would strongly suggest to use the "Advanced Filters".
You can have multiple of these.
You will need to setup Characteristic Attributes inside of Calypso.

I hope this helps.

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Thank you for this suggestion - I was unaware of these features, but it seems like this may be exactly what I was looking for. I was able to create a few Characteristic Attributes to base my filtering on, however I have hit a snag within the Advanced Filters menu and can't seem to duplicate the selections shown in your screengrabs. I see nothing related to filtering based upon Characteristic Attributes. Am I missing a step?

This is what my Advanced Filter menu looks like on my copy of the Standard Protocol:
As you can see, Characteristic Attributes have been enabled by creating the proper INI file:
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Hey Richard, since the last time we spoke on this thread, we have updated our Calypso installs to 2023. The Advanced Filtering menu in PiWeb Designer now has the options shown in your tutorial. However, we do not have a PiWeb Reporting Plus license so I don't seem to be able to map my User Characteristic Attributes from Calypso to the PiWeb database for filtering use. Is there a workaround for this that you are aware of, or must we have a PiWeb Reporting Plus license to perform this mapping?
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