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PiWeb "FlexReporting" converter error message


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Whoh.... what did I do? This error message is now populating every time I use the subsequent evaluation option in Calypso. This is not the database converter issue, because I've run that already but no dice.

. 4532_6cb4c0ae162a1002c852609ce6334ead.png
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  • 2 weeks later...
Turning ON PiWeb Export in that menu was the older way of initializing the data push to PiWeb SBS or Enterprise databases using the utility "Calypso Interface". It was the handshake mechanism that uploaded data to your main server.

It still remains since there are many users still uploading data via that method. From my experience, many people toggle it on thinking it's related to the PiWeb Reporting/Reporting Plus built into Calypso.

We typically use PiWeb Reporting synchronization now to upload data to SBS/Enterprise servers, you may find settings for that if you dig into PiWeb Reporting configuration within Results to File window.

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  • 7 months later...
I had to reinstall my calypso software over the weekend, and now I get the same error message. It is not updating the information to the PiWeb server. How can i get the FlexReporting converter back?
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