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Super easy Calypso 101 Question, Patterns


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I don't deal with patterns very often, but lately one of our customers has been sending us parts with very geometrically symmetric hole patterns, and its given me the chance to really speed up programming.
The Problem......
Sometimes the floor doesn't do a great job of cleaning / deburring their parts before sending them to us, so ill get a part and 79 out of 80 drilled holes with plenty tolerance will check fine, and 1 hole will show huge deviation and be out of tol.
Normally what i would do with standard programming is to clean out the hole and re check the 1 hole, then do a Subsequent eval and be done with the part. However with patterns this is more difficult.
Question, How do i rerun a single circle in a pattern without rerunning the entire pattern?


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Right click the feature with the pattern. Go down to "Execute". A popup will appear as seen in the picture. Enter the value of the drilled hole you want to measure. If there is more than one hole, say hole 4 and hole 56, you will type "4; 56" or if it is a range you would use a hyphen like this "24-29". You can use a combination of both, just make sure your syntax is right. The machine will measure whatever holes you entered, and overwrite those actuals. Subsequent evaluation, and you're done. Also worth noting, that when you right click a feature and "execute", the machine navigation speed will be 300mm/s. This overrides whatever navigation speed you have set previously. The clearance distance speeds are still active but not the plan navigation speed. Best of luck sir.


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This scenario also may come up, and it is similar to the previous question except the opposite.

Say your setup guy has been working all day on a part, and he busts his tap off in a pattern of 12 drilled and tapped holes on the 11th hole. So you have a mostly finished part, but can't measure the bolt hole circle completely because you have a tap stuck in the 11th hole and the 12th hole isn't even there because the drill bit broke on the 11th hole and busted the tap. The setup guy really needs to know where the bolt hole circle is relative to some reference frame so he can make adjustments on this next pass, along with all the other stuff that is probably out of tolerance and he only has a few castings to get it right. He's looking at you to get some results that he can use.

Open the feature with the pattern of holes. Under "Nominal Definition", go down to "Pattern". Click the pattern, then click "Edit". A new box appears as seen in the pictures. Go to "Exclude Indexes". This is where you are going to tell the machine not to measure certain holes in a pattern. For this example, in the "Exclude Indexes" popup window, select the 11th and 12th indexes (holes). Select "OK". Now when this feature is measured, it will not measure the 11th and 12th holes, nor throw errors about incomplete measurements.

I thought I would add this information so that if someone is searching in the future for the opposite of your original question that the answers would be in the same place.


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Could you use PCM to get the index number of the location that is out of tolerance, adding a pause to clean the location and repeat the measurement?
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I don't have PCM anymore.
Since i moved from a corporate production shop to a prototype shop, we have no use for my pages and pages of PCM code to create WINSPC reports.
Sometimes I'm glad, but i also used to get a kick out of doing crazy stuff with PCM. stuff i know future programmers are going to have zero ability to recreate.
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I did this too lol... I created a whole utility with PowerShell scripts that would be called by PCM to do automatic notifications if certain conditions were met. Third shift runs a part at 2am with a critical characteristic out of tolerance? Within seconds of it finishing the program, it would silently email all the supervisors and all the CMM guys with what part it was, what was out of tolerance, and then go search the reports on the shared drive, sort by most recent, get the last one and attach that to the email as well. Wondering what parts were ran on the other shifts? Every single day there would be a nice HTML report listing who ran what, for how long, what type of a check it was, and other pertinent stuff. It was amazing.

Now I do a job more similar to yours and I have no need for PCM. I am not sure I could understand some of the things that I wrote 🤣 Wait till Zeiss has an add-on for ChatGPT like assistance for PCM.. You just tell it what you want it to do, then it spits out the code. It's coming!
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I have lots of projects going on at the moment but can share some things later. Bookmark this post and check back in periodically.

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