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Printing the program


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The "inspection" file is a text file which you can open with a text editor but I'm guessing it won't make much sense to most people.
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Back 23 years ago, we used to print our programs and file them away as the "Master".
Of course, that was Virtual DMIS software and the entire program was in one file. Calypso
is much different.

There are several files inside the program folder that make up the "Program". I would
guess that the "Inspection" & "Inspset" files are what you are asking about. I don't know
what use they would be to you in printed form?
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I've inspected "Inspection" , "Inspset" and other files, it's not what I'm looking for.

I made a program for a neighboring firm and found the same values as its client, the firm has mitutoyo and it is trying to do the same program as mine. Since the program is very long, I am trying to help with a detailed output.

I realized that there is no such feature in Calypsdo.

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The "Table File" will output .fet and .chr text files.
These can be opened in Excel so they can recreate the program.

What may also help them would be to save the CAD with points for them to import.
Exporting the points may help them as well.
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