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function or software for analyze the profile


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Hi everybody, I have a question
In my last experience with dea, I used for a few months an external program that allows analyze profiles using the points scansioned with cmm, such as a profilmeter and I had the possibility to choose if print the report or import the numeric results in the cmm's software, in this case pc-dmis.

I've attached an example of report of this software.

Is there a program like this for calypso?


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Hi there, not sure exactly what you are trying to accomplish.
You would like to export Calypso points (from a curve) ? Yes, this is possible in a few different formats.
Is there a 3rd party software to analyze the curve profile? I'm sure there must be.
You can also put a line profile on a curve, however most 3D curves will be Surface profile and should be measured/reported with Free Form option.

EDIT: I found your request on the "My Voice" portal as well. It seems you want to 2D line scan contours and plug the data into 3rd party software to analyze. I think it's possible. What format do you need the data in? .xls ok ?

I would just recommend breaking this curve up to lines and radii, and measure individually, and construct chamfers/intersect points/kink points, etc. This is what I usually do even on small 0.010" chamfers, etc.

Good luck.
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That is hexagon curves software called Curve Analyzer,It's Flexiable for mouse-click analysis. It also can be used for Calypso. We use it on our Prismo CMM for some special elvaluatiton.
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Hi, yes. I would like to export the measured profile, like chams, in a software that allow to evaluate it like a profilmeter. Hexagon Curve analyzer allow to import the points from xls or txt file but I cannot start it directly from calypso. I would to do this automatically: measure the profile, call external software, do some measure like profilmeter and at the end print out a report
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