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Alignment Setup


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How can I set up this alignment that would include A & B? I know that i have posted this before but I thought I would post again with a better example of what I am running into. I am being asked to measure datum A back to A-B and then datum B back to A-B. It has been stated that I should create a cylinder that recalls A & B but in the example, the cylinders are not parallel to each other. Any help is greatly appreciated.3966_9564a07d1f16c17ea72bfa9e6eb60048.png
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I would try "Alignment from Several Curves". You could measure 4 or more curves on each end and use them in the alignment.
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My 2 cents...

The problem is that the drawing doesn't make sense. You can't have a feature at MMC measured to itself at MMC/MMB. It's saying the apex of the flange is the datum, which makes no sense, as it has a tiny surface area. It has an XX distance to nothing.

If I were to guess what going on, it's that the flanges on the ends need to be concentric to the straight section of pipe next to them. So -A- and -B- would be the straight sections of pipe defined by the XX distance, and the flanges would be positioned to each datum next to it. So, you have 4 callouts needed. The position of -A- and -B- in relationship to each other as a best fit, and the position of the flanges to each end.

You could measure 2 cylinders, -A- and -B-. Do a geometry best fit alignment and allow all degrees of freedom to fit. Then remeasure each datum cylinder again and evaluate it to the GBF alignment. You would need to evaluate them in a local alignment to each end, perpendicular to the end, by using the Special button and rotating/translating basic dimensions to get the orientation needed, depending on where your origin is. Personally, I would never use position for this. I would use profile.

Measuring the flanges to the ends would be a local alignment to each datum, not both. It's doesn't make sense to have a flange on one side related to the other side. You could use MMB on the datum on each end if the tube is allowed to move on the datum surface to help the flange mate with the opposing part.

That's my best guess.
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