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Error using the "Geometry" Package


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When using any script of the "Geometry" Package, I've got an error (see below)

Could you tell me what's the problem ?


Thanks a lot, 




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you need a VMR license for this script. That's probably wrong and should be changed, but currently you need this license.

Matthias Aalto

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Thanks a lot.. should be "strange" that you need the VMR licence for this script but it was in the first created for design fixture or colision box in a scanbox... So I coul'd understand and I have a VMR licence on my other PC station.


Still, you have 2 choices for now

- let the package available for everyone

- change the "licence needed" for the package and add the "VMR Licence"




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You are right. The current state is not correct. The package should be available for everyone, so I removed the requirement for the VMR license. Will be corrected in version 2022. Thank you for reporting this error.

Matthias Aalto

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