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Zeiss Probe qualification


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Hi Can anybody give me some assistance??
I am running Zeiss Contura G2 and 2019 Calypso.
I cannot output PDF Files when I do a probe Calibration/System qualification.
Is there a specific template or directory to output to and what is that path if there is a directory? Do i need to output via Piweb or just basic report and be able to just output sigma values so I can record them on database???
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Go to the Measurement Plan tab, click on "Multiple Report". A new window will open, click the third icon (left to right) under "output media for CNC run". The icon will now have a green check mark. Now click the icon to the right that looks like this "...". This will open another window. In the "Output File" drop down menu, select the PDF file output you want. If you would like this filename to be variable (for example, using part numbers in the file name), check the box that says "Name of output file variable" and then using the correct syntax fill out the non grayed out "Name definition of output file in PCM syntax (with or without path)" area.


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Hi Devin William,
Thanks so much for your response.
I have tried the information that you posted. I am still not fully there with the directory. Here when we updated the PC last year we used to use PDF and something like a compact or default printout where we would just output the sigma value of each probe and for all probing directions. So I dont know what do I use to get report out. If you can guide me or anybody guide me a little bit on the path or what I should use . Calypso 2019 6.8.2411 is what I have. Was using 2016 before issue. I hope the attachments help and show me where i am going wrong.


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If you are using the default printout then enable it by checking the fifth box (left to right), then opening the box to the immediate right that looks like this "..." From the dropdown, select pdf for basic report or whatever type of pdf you would like. I believe the default directory for reports is "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO\workarea\results". If you do not want your files to go there, change it by enabling "Name of output file variable" and enter the path where you want it to go but for now, just use the default location to see if you can get the output you want.


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Oh yea, its been awhile so I forgot to add some other things. Follow the pictures. You need to enable pdfs by selecting the Resources menu, and going down to Results to File. Then enable pdfs. This will change your grayed out box in the run screen to a grayed out box with a checkmark for pdfs.


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