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RDS Newbie


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We have several different CMMs (Accuras, Contura G2s, Duramaxes) all with fixed heads that I'm fairly proficient with. We just had a new Contura installed that has an RDS/XXT setup - I barely know how to turn the thing on. Can anyone point me toward some useful learning material for the articulating head? Any lessons you've learned from experience that you'd be willing to share to help me get started in the right direction?
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There are manuals that come with each install of Calypso that may be of use, located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeiss\CALYPSO X.X\userinfo\manuals\en
Among them is an RDSCAA manual, and I believe part of the "basic manual discusses RDS as well.

Additionally as mentioned by Erik there are videos on the portal (https://portal.zeiss.com/academy/video-tube/imt) in the "cookbook" section, though a bit of looking is needed to find relevant ones, as often it is only identifiable by reading the thumbnail (some examples are QT035, QT036, QT110, QT120, QT320/QT320C)
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