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Finding why a feature is running...


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I have a (somewhat) normal measurement plan, but it uses (read: should use) formulas to determine the nominals of certain points based on the nominals of other points (so that the nominals can easily be adjusted). Some of those features referenced by the formulas are running when their actuals should not be needed. If I'm hitting "Run" from the characteristics list, it's my understanding and experience that only the features that are needed will be run. How do I most effectively and efficiently go about determining why they are running, when I don't think they should be?
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I had this experience when I was running according to characteristic order, in fact I had created a secondary alignment that had features,I did not use in the characteristic and obviously I had no use of the secondary alignment even..
It might be something like that..
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If you Right click on the Characteristic and select, "Datum for selected feature." It will show all the features required to check the characteristic. YOu can do the same thing on feature that is constructed by other features. Also, If you think you have formulas within features, you can go to Resources\Features Settings Editor\Geometry (Nominal Data), and select X,Y,or Z (wherever you think the formula might be) and if the feature is highlighted in yellow, there is a formula being used in the feature. Hope this helps.
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My program is so simple, it has no secondary alignments.

@Justin J.,
The referencing features and referenced features are all points. These are points on an artifact that once it has been recalibrated, all the points need to be updated. The nominal Y-value of the referencing points are all set up in a formula such as this:
getNominal("Point 1").y
Once it's done running, I'll try changing the referenced points to theoretical features.
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Well, it wasn't really an answer to my original question, but the reality was that because the feature was referenced by a feature that was going to run (even though only the nominals were referenced), Calypso ran it. This is, IMNSHO, asenine behavior. By setting the referenced features to theoretical, I prevented them from running. So my issue is solved. I still think the auditing tools (tracing dependencies, etc.) in Calypso are essentially non-existent (unless you consider being warned right before you delete a feature of characteristics, and only characteristics, that are dependencies), when good auditing tools should be indispensable.
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I thought that run list will only affect run order - not what features will be measured. Both should measure only things needed to report results.

I would suggest to use those points as theoretical if you are using artifact ( part with known good dimensions ).
Everytime you run program actuals are being cleared.

You can use theoretical with formulas to be able to re-measure them on real features using conditions.
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Yeah, I totally agree with you, Aaron. A few methods for measurement plan auditing / tracer tools would be very useful. Perhaps a good option for a my voice suggestion.

Visual cues like color, contrast and highlighting go a long way in the coding world.

The object oriented nature of Calypso is what made it great in its inception, and it's what still makes it great. Zeiss could preserve this strength and still add in a few tools to help users understand relationships in a measurement plan more quickly.


Maybe a good place to start would be making the Undo button fully function 🤔

https://portal.zeiss.com/my-voice/softw ... c190784eec

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My understanding of a feature using PCM to recall a value from another feature will make the PCM feature run to complete the PCM request.
As mentioned prior, using a theoretical feature should prevent that from happening. A theoretical feature will simply complete the PCM when activated.
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