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Calypso 2022 & PiWeb Synchronization


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Anyone using Calypso 2022 & PiWeb SBS/Enterprise? Explicitly if you use the new Synchronization versus the old PiWeb uploader.

For whatever reason, 2022 does not save my import settings, so for every single measurement plan created, I have to re-import my settings. The one found in Resources - Results to File - PiWeb Reporting - Configuration - Parameters.
This is also the case for the settings inside of Extras - Settings - Environment - PiWeb Reporting - Database extension. I have to set the location to pull the Server Configuration.
Was working correctly in 2020 & 2021, but not so well in 2022.
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Are you working with the newest service pack of CALYPSO 2022? When CALYPSO 2022 was first released, there was an issue that caused the synchronization file to not save. This particular issue has been fixed as of a few service packs ago.
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I'll give it a go. There were some other things that got broken with the SPs that I was trying to avoid. Lol.

Thank you.
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