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Sound Wave at end of program


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Here is a private macro, that I programmed for CALYPSO in 2005.
Use in CALYPSO: File / Macro / Integrate Macro /
The macro plays a soudfile, if the results are in tolerance, out of tolerance or in the warning limit.
You can use different soundfiles for each case.
Set the correct paths and then test.MessungOK.zip


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I use VLC media player.

I change to the "inspections" directory, it plays and exits. No lingering wmplayer in the way.

cd C:/Users/Public/Zeiss/Calypso/home/om/workarea/inspections
start /b "" C:\"Program Files"\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe --play-and-exit inspection_end.wav
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Once I added the .wav file to the inspections folder the .bat command works for me. It still plays the original sound afterwards, but that doesn't bother me. I needed to have something louder that I can hear over the presses banging. 😐
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