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VAST XXT TL1 running program


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Just taking over Zeiss programming and I've been asked to get our new adapter plate and stylus up and running. I have qualified it with the reference sphere. When I then run a program with the probe it takes a travel path I've never seen before and totally misses the part. Am I missing a step setting up the probe? Am I missing a step after manually doing the base alignment?

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Do you have acces to the "Basic Training - Probe System Qualification" manual?
It goes step by step and explains everything.
There is an Operator manual in the pulldown menu. But Zeiss wrote ours as a reference manual, not a training manual, and not in order of operations.

I would suggest signing up and using the Zeiss Portal.
Go to Zeiss Acadamy-Free Tutorials then search for XXT

The rough order of operations is...
Use the Masterprobe to define the location of the Reference Sphere.
Qualify the stylus.
Perform manual base alignment.
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  • 2 weeks later...
thanks for the info.

i did use the manual to try and qualify the probe. it seems to qualify it correctly when using the reference sphere. i ran the manual base alignment and then when i went to run the program it took a crazy travel path ive never seen before and completely missed the part. i tried a few different programs and every time the same error.

i'll check out the zeiss academy to see if i can find a trouble shooter or see what i may be missing when setting up the probe.

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Quick check. Is your stylus pointing straight down? After you qualify it, are the X and Y values near 0.000 or are the number way off? If way off, did you do the Reference Sphere Position with the MasterProbe first?

Sounds like your problem could be from issues during the manual alignment. Verify part is oriented on the machine in the same direction as features in program. When probing part, make sure points are spread out on features, i.e. when measuring a plane, don't take all the points in a straight line. Make sure you're probing the correct features when it directs you to take points on features.
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