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Update on Richard Helle


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On feb 27 Richard suffered a hemorrhagic stroke. Due to early intervention and quick response times Rick was out of surgery 6 hours after he fell. Recovery is already showing good signs, but recovery will take time,
I've known Rick for a very long time, he was my basic calypso trainer! He has worked at many positions at Zeiss and retired around a year ago. i was trying to setup a remote programming job for him to make a bit of side money when this all happened.

His Daughter Martha is a registered nurse and has been giving updates pretty much daily through caring bridge https://caringbridge.org/visit/richardhelle
And facebook.
They have also started a GoFundme page to try to cover some of the extra expenses.

Martha wanted to make these available in case you wanted to know how his journey is going and give you an opportunity to support both her Mom and Dad

We are also looking for someone from Zeiss by the name of Gwynn ? not sure of the spelling. Rick spoke a lot about him, if you know him send him our way please.

Hopeful that recovery is swift and strong !
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Rick was my first Calypso instructor in 2003. We hit it off with our liking of Bela Fleck. I hope for a speed recovery for you Rick.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thoughts and Prayers to Him and his Family.

Rick was the programmer here at Lisi Medical when I started. The amount of knowledge he holds about calypso and metrology is quite simply outstanding. He did an amazing job teaching me as much, about the foreign to me calypso software, as I could retain in the year we worked together before his retirement. He was very excited to head west and be with his family. It saddens me to hear such a big hurdle was thrown in their path and so early into their next chapter of life.

Speedy Recovery Rick!!!
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