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Gear Pro Bevel Gear


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Hello everyone,
I am trying to measure a bevel gear with Gear Pro. For some reason I can not generate a model. I believe I have all my data correct. The other thing is it won't let me input anything into Bevel Gear Geometry. I am measure a straight cut bevel gear. So I am not sure if that has something to do with it. I am new to measuring bevel gears. But have measuring involute gears succesfully.
Thanks for any assistance.
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Welcome to bevel world. All around gear guy here.

Bevels are definitely more challenging. I've been inspecting them for years on Zeiss and other equipment.

Have you entered in the mounting distance? If you can share basic info, I can see what the error might be..

Please read the instructions on the bevel manual. You will have to generate the data for the model by:
Running an alignment in Calypso (don't forget to read Chapter 14 for R/T if rotary table is used).
Line up a tooth to +X, when that is complete; go to Gear Pro enter your data and choose stylus. Then you should see a green data generation button, click that and it will prompt you to measure the 4 'corner points' of the grid on each flank; it may need to be done in a certain order I think; its been a while. These are essentially the boundaries where you want it to scan topography.

Tip: measure this corner points really slowly! Then you should be able to generate a model once it has the data generated from the actual flank. Once you have model, run topography one one tooth to make sure there are not unwanted points, etc.

If you like those results, then what is normally done is run 4 teeth Topo and All teeth pitch/index (and tip/root if you want).
You run this test on a known gold or "GOLD" master, and the file that gets saved you can make the 'master'. All subsequent part errors are reported to that. Bevels gears are not typically inspected to 'theoretical' like cylindrical involute gears. They are compared to a master file.

Im lucky enough to have all our CAD models already, our Eng Dept pretty makes the entre Gear Pro program from Gleason GAGE software.

Good luck. Happy Measuring.
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Thanks for the assistance. That got the ball rolling. Unfortunately for the gearing our CAD models are horrible at best. No joke! I manually do a base alignment and go from there. I was able to run a bevel gear today with your assistance I know I am far from correct. But this was a huge step. I attached a picture of the bevel gear I was checking and also the final CAD model rendered on Gear Pro. It's ugly, I'm assuming it's usually not suppose to look like that. But I was able to get it to run. I should add ALL of our gearing is custom nothing is a standard. I have a pinion I want to look at, as well. But I am going to stick with this bevel for a minute since I was able to get it run. Thanks for your assistance, if there is anything you can add please feel free. I am listening!


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You're welcome. Nicely done.

Those flanks, I sure hope are not correct, pretty wavy, Actually from the photo I can almost see the warp/twist. It would take many corrections to straighten that out. This is poor straight bevel manufacturing. I would not recommend 'mapping' this one in as the master.

It looks like you may have done it correctly. I'd suggest adding the tip and root in data generation if you can (3 points top mid bottom on each) to make a better CAD. Regarding the root and tip I forget where they want you to probe the root, I think behind Flank 1 when tooth is at +X.

Is there a CAD available ? That would be the way to go.

I'll upload the photo here with dots on where I would probe the points.4707_df148c15f65de7e277eb12265696e403.jpg
The inside of the tooth near the bore is referred to as the 'Toe', toward the larger outer edge is the 'heel'. The large chamfer at the heel, beyond that; is typically not functional so you can omit from topography. Also when you probe the corner points, make sure to stay out of the fillet/root radius, where it blends with the flank is typically some minus or plus material, that was one of the main causes of me having to re-do the corner points.

Keep in mind, any 'errors' that are measured on the tis part to be the 'master' to compare production to .. .Will likely be magnified in production part runs.

Good luck, there is a lot to learn here. I would study the basic geometry and get to know the terms. If you're really up for , find a 'Gleason' cutting summary and learn what most of that refers to for reference.

Good luck, I'll check back.


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Thanks for the info Chris I appreciate it. I don't have any intentions on using this as a master. I am way to new to know any of this. My intentions are just to get a program to run and run correctly. Then I will move forward from there. As far as the gear, thats about as good of parts I will receive. We have used worse parts than that.
I attached a picture of the same bevel gear but with tip and root added in, it doesn't look right but it ran on the CMM.
I do have a CAD file for this but I am unsure how to pull it into Gear Pro.

Sadly anyone originally involved with gears or any involvement with the CMM at the company I work for are now gone. So I am now flying and learning solo.
Thank you!


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Wow, that is one of the weirdest looking models Ive ever seen. Anyhow, if you do have a model, simply go to menu bar, model-->CAD interface--> import SAT/STP/IGEs, etc.
You can do this for cylindrical as well, Gear Pro will also roughly guesstimate your gear data, its usually close but not always accurate so double check it. If you have the model, you can actually probe the model; much much easier. TIP : in Calypso (or otehr CAD software) set the mounting distance correct to the mounting surface, and also line up a tooth exactly on +X, it might require you to create some creative intersections, but it needs to be exactly clocked to X. Usually on tooth is clocked on CAD models to one axis ...

You would then do DATA Generation and select CAD surfaces. Experiment with that, it is also a bit of a science.

If you can share CAD , etc. I can help. Study the manual, and keep trying, thats how you learn !

Good luck !! 🧑‍💻
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Hello Lou,
is the picture from GEAR PRO?
Did you use Model - CAD-Function - Autoheal ?

When i had to work with a Cad file in GEAR, i load the file in Calypso and do an autoheal.
In Calypso and CAD-Functions you can change the axes and displace the model to the alignment you want to create .
Then save the cad and load it in GEAR.

If this is not working for you, the cad files are really bad.

Regards and good luck
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Thanks Chris. Unfortunately I have had to move on to something else. I really need some seat time on GP for the bevel gears. I will definitely be trying this out in future.
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Thanks Wolfgang. Our CAD models for bevel gears is horrible at best. 99.9% of our gears are custom cut. The bottom CAD model you see is what was generated in GP. Unfortunately I have had to start other projects. But I really would like to come back to this.

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I work in R&D and it seems like about once a year they'll bring in a bevel gear and want me to check it with no cad model or known nominal geometry. The 1st thing I request is to get 3 to 5 new parts that I can developed topography with. They'll ask me how long it will take and I say "give me a week to two" 🤣

Kudos to Chris Rotolo for providing well written instructions in this post.
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No problem guys, always happy to help.

Bevel can be challenging, especially spiral bevels, it's a science.

If you need more help, I'll be around.

Where I work now, I have it kind of easy. I just make the Calypso alignment side of the program, and the Engineer makes the bevel model and .gear file in G-AGE, I just link them out at prove out.

I'm always studying though and learning.

TIP: Bevels can also be run upside down in rare cases when needed.

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  • 1 month later...
Well here I go again. I am back on the Bevel gear inspection wagon. I am still quite shaky at it but getting with everyone's help. Thank you!
One of my issues now is that when a park is finished running. The results are being cut off when saved to a PDF. I have tried different settings but I can't figure this one out. Can someone point me in the right direction so this doesn't happen?
Thank you,
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Welcome back.

If you can share a chart I may be able to help further.

I suspect it is a common paper size issue (its set to Euro - mm sizes and Standard A4 is inches, etc.) I don't recall where to set it, but I would contact @Roman Gross on here,

Is it just the PDF or printout as well?

Good luck.
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Thanks Chris. Haven't printed anything out yet, just using PDF. I have tried going into Gear Pro but I haven't been able to find the right setting. And I've also tried different settings in a PDF. I attached a picture below. Thanks for any assistance.


A5067 Shelf.pdf

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Yep. Thats the issue I was reffering to. I believe it has to do with metric paper size set somewhere.

Reach our to Roman Gross on the forums here should be able to help.

If not, I'll dig into when I have some time.

Im in PCM class this week.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Lou, now it´s clear what the problem is.
Scaling issue within the settings for your printer and paper format.
Do the following steps (also attached some screenshots with 1., 2. and 3.):
1. Open the bevel gear evaluation, then "File\Print Setup ..."
2. Click on "Settings" for the printer and quit the printer setup with "Cancel" (maybe you need to quit two times with "Cancel")
3. After that a GEAR PRO bevel dialog "PAGE SETUP" should appear, there you can modify the page scaling by using "Corner Points" and "PREVIEW", after you got the page scaled press "OK"
4. Ready 😉

3. modify the corner points.jpg2. Select printer and click on settings.jpg1. Exaluation - Print Setup.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks Roman. Hopefully I will be able to get back on the CMM this week and try it out!

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  • 10 months later...
Dear all,
Greetings of the Day!

I am a Master's Student in Mechanical Engineering. Recently I cast bevel gears and I want to measure their pitch diameters, tooth profile deviations, and cone angles. In my lab, Zeiss DuraMax CMM is available but nobody is there who can guide me about this machine. I am a beginner at learning Calypso and Gear Pro.
Could you please be my good favor by sharing basic informative stuff that can help me to understand the procedure of measurements? I have my CAD file and I uploaded the IGES file of my CAD model in Gear Pro but I don't know the next procedure. How can I set up all the values at gear pro and then take it to calypso for measurements?
If there is any tutorial, that can I can see and perform step-by-step for the measurements. Can you please guide me in this regard? it will be a great support for me.

Kind Regards
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