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Die Streuung bei der Tastereinmessung


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Hallo zusammen,
Ich bekomme den Taster Länge 160 und DK 2.5 nicht eingemessen. Die Streuung ist mindestens 0.05.
Vielleicht sollte man hier die Einstellungen wie Standardmesskraft und dynamische Antastung ändern ?
Was wäre hier zu empfehlen ?
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In the stylus management window, what is the rigidity of the probe in question? 2915_3a8264718a7aa247ecf61a031adfdf4c.jpg
Based on the description of the probe I suspect it will be very low, the probe likely bends quite a lot.
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You could try reducing the probing dynamic, start at 50% perhaps, and reduce until your qualification results seem acceptable?

I would recommend testing this (DK2.5)probe by scanning a ring gage (you could also use a circle scan on the reference sphere if a ring is unavailable), comparing the results of this (DK2.5)probe against either the calibrated value of the artifact, or create your own "true" value for the artifact using a good, stiff probe (maybe the MasterProbe) in the same orientation as your (DK2.5)probe to scan the artifact at the same location at a very slow speed. I would recommend this because experience suggests that the (DK2.5)probe is very likely going to be too flexible to use for accurate measurement, and even if it is usable it will almost certainly require a very slow scanning speed. I would also recommend as part of this testing, that you scan the artifact at various speeds with your (DK2.5)probe and check both the roundness and size deviation from nominal, against a good, stiff probe (perhaps even the MasterProbe) to determine at what speed the bending of this very flexible (DK2.5)probe begins to be noticeable.
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That's a very long probe ! Try using tensor calibration. Set the measuring force to 50 mn. Set the dynamic to %40 . Now calibrate. You will probably need to use single points, I don't think that scanning will produce good results. Test against a sample part . check a circle with the 2.5 and with a short sturdy probe. Good luck!
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