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24V2, 24V3, 30V1, brake CNC


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Powered down the Zeiss for the weekend, including turning off the main.
When we powered up; turning the Main Switch to on, turning the Main Control to on, we never received the Drives Start signal.
After a couple of minuets the Drives Start was pressed with no response.

Removed the cover and the attached photo shows which lights were out, 24V2, 24V3, 30V1, brake CNC.
There is a burn smell inside the cabinet.

in the C99 power supply fuse F19 T3, 15A/L blown.

Any ideas?

Zeiss H1-H10.PNG

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Based on the information here, I would recommend contacting the Zeiss Helpdesk, this appears to be an issue best suited for our hardware team. Contact info is: cic.metrology.us@zeiss.com, or 1-800-327-9735-they will need your CMM serial number to open a ticket(I would suggest emailing, you can copy this post into the email, and the picture will potentially be helpful).
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  • 3 weeks later...
It's a Zeiss component in the Safety Computer SYS, protects during high speed moves.
Component is located in the Controller and mounted under the Power Plain.
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I put in a PFC sinewave UPS. I get less error codes now from the controller and the computer.

My assumption is the electrical power is "dirty" from all of the machines in the plant.

It seems silly to me that a $100,000+ investment doesn't have electrical protection sold with it.
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