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Variable Strategy Editor


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I read the overview of the Variable Strategy Editor in the operating instructions. Is there a video or other instructions that go into more detail as to how to set it up and use it?
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It first came out with 2020(?) and is located under the Measurement Plan tab. I've been so buried in work I just haven't had time to learn how to use it.
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you can use the various ZEISS original strategies or create your own strategy.
The easiest way to create your own strategy is as follows:
Extras / Setting / Variable strategy editor:
File open. Select one of the ZEISS originals.
File save as <your name>
Now the strategy can be adjusted individually. You don't have to start from the beginning

In "Variable strategy assignment" you can now also use <your name> strategy
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Not sure how other people are using it; but I've found that this works good if you have both XT and XTR heads. One program can now house both measurement strategies.
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Different sensors is one possible application.
Many users also use the rules to determine the measurement strategy for geometries, depending on the geometry itself.
E.g. cylinder: how many paths and how fast to scan?
If the CMM has the Navigator function, the Navigator strategy is probably the best rule
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