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Combining Programs in Autorun


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I have a fixture that has 8 identical parts in it. 5-8 are turned 180* around the Z axis from parts 1-4 so I've written a different program for them. The reasoning for this is because the fixture has the parts oriented like this.


In Auto-run I have 2 pallets with 4 parts. I know you can Ctrl + Select the pallets to run in sequence but I'd like to combine them if possible where the operator selects one button or click and it will load both programs to run.

What's the best way to tackle this? Management wants us to use Autorun and single parts measured instead of programming the whole fixture in one program.
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I don't know of a one button solution for this.
You can save sequences in the Autorun desk that both programs/pallets reside.
Ctrl select the order you want to save and click the Sequence button on the bottom right of the screen select Save and give it a name.
When you are in that desk with the saved sequence the Sequence button at the bottom right of the screen will be available. Click on that and then run.
If you have multiple saved sequences in that desk you can select Load and select the sequence.
This is the same thing you already know the only difference really is you don't have to Ctrl - select each time. 1917_422f7a89ecfe57f4989d08007fd38ec1.jpg
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Might sound redundant but re-write the program to check 1 and the flipped 5 position only then pallet it across the others. Then in your report group the dimensions like (front) and (180) so you know what dims. goes with which part
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Ok. I'm trying to keep it simple for the operators but it looks like I'll have to show them the sequence feature. I'll just make this program on a desk link and have the background image to be a reminder to select both programs. Some of our operators aren't as computer saavy as others.
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  • 3 months later...
Make the program

Generate two alignment base systems with different names in the same program. one for orientation

Important: you will have to do the manual alignment in both cases only from Calypso.

Open auto run
now create 2 palettes:
1 for the first 8
2 for the second 8

select the 2 palettes and you're done.

autorun 180.jpg

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