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Analysis of a cross section on CAD and actual data - Cross sectional area - GOM Inspect Pro


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I have a 3d scan of a pipe. And one check I need to perform is to calculate the cross sectional area of the inner profile (Highlighted Red). And perform this check on both the CAD geometry and the actual geometry. I have managed to create a surface based on the cross section but cannot find a way to show the surface area of this. 

Note - The cross section in this example is circular, but I will also need to do the cross sectional area on more complex shapes. And so measuring the diameter of the circle will not be sufficient. 



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Hello Caleb,

you can create a single section only from the inner circle, apply referenced construction or another measuring principle which is suitable. Then the nominal section can be  directly checked for "Area" in I-Inspect. It works best with closed sections (no holes or missing data).


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Thanks Nanno, 

One reason I created a fitting polynom surface from my actual section was because there will be some gaps in the section curve. I've tried to use the 'Close Gaps' tool for surfaces but its not identifying the gaps that I need to fill. Polynom surface seems to have filled in the gaps suitably. But then doesn't give the option to display area. 

Is there an alternative way to fill in gaps on a section/ curve? A curve tool equivalent to mesh bridge would be very useful. There are some situations where filling in gaps in the mesh before will not be possible. Alternatively can I create a curve based on the perimeter of my polynom surface? 



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Hello Caleb,

if you want to have control over the closing, you can chose Operations -> sections -> close gaps. If you check an open section for area the gaps are closed in the background.


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