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Regenerate Excel file


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Can we regenerate the Excel file as if a part was ran (or cycled thru data)?
I see options for all kinds of reports, but nothing for the Excel (macro) file.

It would be nice to have a menu option and have a new Excel report, really would be handy.
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Rick, I believe with excel files it automatically saves a copy to your default folder. If you look in your folder, I bet you could find everything you have ran in the past. You probably already know this, but if you open extras/settings/environment and select Paths it shows your default folder. Go to the folder and look for the file you're looking for.

And yes, if you saved your measured points your could re-run any part, and run as an excel file to re-generate results as well.


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Thank you, and yes I did know this.
What I have ran into is after a CMM run, and having to edit something, like fix a OOT condition, I can easily generate a new PiWeb or other report.
But to get an Excel file again you have to cycle thru all the data. This wipes out the "Run Time" value and sets it to Zero.
I want to keep my run time value (record retention).
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