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Warning Limits


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Hi there

Dos somebody know if it is possible to change the Warning limits for all measuring programs at once, i can change them inside the program via "Resources\measurement plan editor Charateristics" but there is an information in blue " **= from higher setting (Measurement Plan/Group) these settings must be changebel somewhere.

warning limits.jpg

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Seems like it's not editable in settings. At least i didn't find it.

But you can use template program, where you will have all set up, then for creating new one you just resave this template.

For change just select "Measurement Plan" and edit value. It will set for all undefined chars.
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I don't think it is possible to change all test plans with one setting in Calypso.
The value is stored in the "inspset" file of the test plans.
Replace the entry #warningLimitCF '->' 100) to your warning limit.
I have changed over 4000 test plans to a different warning limit using the Textcrawler 3 tool.
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Hello Martin,
no, you don´t have to change it manualy: try the solution proposed by Herbert to change automatically the setting in the inspset file with the Textcrawler tool. I don´t know that tool but I guess it´s a kind of "find and replace"
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Yes, Sebastian is right!
Textcrawler is just a tool that does search and replace in all files (inspset). Another tool can be used. The best thing to do is to try a test plan first!
The 4000 test plans were then changed to 1 minute!
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I never really understand why one would like to install something to preform a task that windows easily can handle by it self? Unless, you need to replace somthing with a complex logic using regex etc...

Anyhow, if you arn't able to install stuff, then make a batch file with this content:
@echo off
set "path=C:\path\to\your\programs"
set "file=inspset"
set "tempfile=filenametemp.txt"

for /r %path% %%F in (*.*) do if "%%~nF" == "inspset" (
	pushd %%~dpF
	(for /f "delims=" %%i in (inspset) do (
		set "line=%%i"
     		setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
      	set "line=!line:#warningLimitCF '->' 100=#warningLimitCF '->' 75!"
  	del %file%
  	rename %tempfile%  %file%
I bet it does the job quicker then any installed programs also.
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  • 1 year later...
I did not have success with the batch script posted above but there is a free alternative to mass-update this parameter within each program file: Notepad++ and "Find in Files" (just make sure you have the correct directory selected).

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