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Subsequent Evaluation on Multiple Measurements


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Anybody know if there is a way to run a subsequent evaluation on multiple runs similar to Calypso's "Subsequent evaluation of several measurements"?
If not, this would be a fantastic option to add.
I have 30 parts I need to change the evaluation and it would be time consuming to make the change for each individual.
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How to create a modified evaluation:

1.Start the Workpiece catalog (Workpiece Browser) and click the Show measurements icon. All existing measurements (.act files) for this workpiece are shown in the right-hand area.

2.Open the desired measurement file.

3.Open the measuring job dialog by clicking the Measuring jobs icon at the left margin of the program window.

4.Modify now the settings for the individual measuring jobs if necessary: ➢Double-click the measuring job icon. The corresponding SETUP dialog box opens. ➢Make the desired modifications to the evaluation procedure.

5.Click the Evaluate icon at the right margin of the program window.

The evaluation is created new according to the new evaluation criteria on the basis of the saved measuring data. Copyright © Carl Zeiss.
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I do not think there is this option in Gear Pro.

I'll be happy to go request it at My Voice portal ...

I havent used PiWeb a whole lot .. but I think there is an option to include gear pro charts on the Calyspo PiWeb report..

perhaps explore that option..it might allow 'multiple subsequent evaluations' from Calypso if the Gear Pro data is linked somehow, etc.

Good luck !
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Thanks Brad.
I am aware of how to do this and use it often.
I was looking for a way to apply the modification to multiple measurement files similar to Calypso's "Subsequent evaluation of several measurements". Making the same modification to several measurement files can be very time consuming.
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I'd say chances are 50% that it recalls the all of the gear data as expected.

Perhaps someone else here has done this or similar and an let us know ..
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You're welcome - I've probably got 75% of the requests on My Voice for Gear Pro 😃

Any luck with the PiWeb recall ?

If it's too much to code in or you don't have PiWeb set up you could just reach out to Zeiss and ask if it 'should' work ..
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Marc, we already have that idea in our development backlog. Unfortunately what you originally asked for will not be possible via PiWeb. Subsequent evaluation inside of GEAR PRO in a future version of the software will make it possible e.g. to load those 30 .acts, change e.g. the evaluation range or the tolerance and create a new GEAR PRO report or .pdf from that. What will not be possible is to provide a combined report with CALYPSO and/or PiWeb. However this is not helping you right now but maybe safes time in searching for a workaround which does not exist. From today´s point of view and linked to the priorization of customer´s request this functionality will not be implemented in the 2023 version ... but the request will not be forgotten. Regards Roman
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