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Looping a feature


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I know that Calypso does this already. If you input an incorrect
speed for example, Calypso will re-measure the feature with the
correct speed. So, it sounds like it's possible? PCM/Condition?
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I'm with you on the conditional statement. I recall seeing something years ago tied to the sigma value of the feature but don't know where to start.
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Probably something like this (PCM). Can't add anymore to that other
than you have to start somewhere. This is as good a place as any.

until i>10
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I've rarely looped a feature, but many alignments. My thought process is that if the sigma values are high, that I have either an alignment issue, a form issue, or a probing issue, so I take care of that prior to remeasuring the feature by using more alignments, different probing strategy, cleaning the part, etc. Looping recalculates and iterates to solve a fit based on the parameters input. That basically affects how the machine moves relative to the features being measured. So, I don't see much use for it if I've already set those things up properly.

I will loop features to test repeatability of the machine on occasion. But that's more of a calibration/verification process. And I will loop cast features or any unstable features that are used in alignments.
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Thanks for bringing this topic up. I've wondered about the same thing, and I don't remember feature looping being covered in training, only alignments.
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I have done the conditional statement. I used it to measure or skip a secondary feature. I'm not sure how you could do this on itself without a circular argument issue. For example, a circle has bad form, or a short cylinder has vector issue, the condition with use another measurement strategy or evaluation. That additional information serves as a redundancy.

There also is the option of remeasure on the reporting end if it fails..
I hit the "PCM not available" block so you'll need help on the syntax and operators but you can use it in strategy or characteristic side.


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