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Pre-alignment with Kiosk Mode


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Greetings of the day,

This is Ketul Patel asking following question through Christian Anderson's licensed account.

Currently I am creating Kiosk Mode programs for all of our parts to inspect them repetitively under GOM. While making many programs, I encountered one common problem with the pre-alignment accessibility with its kiosk mode. In the main part program, I sometimes have to use two helper points, one on Nominal data and one on Actual data, to accomplish perfect pre-alignment based on which I would be able to create other local best-fit alignments. But, when I convert that program into Kiosk project template and run it through Kiosk interface, it doesn't ask me to select those helper points on nominal and actual data and that's why always gives me an error with pre-alignment. 

In fischer, we have many parts here for which I need to use those helper points to achieve perfect pre-alignment. Hence, Is there any way to add and modify Kiosk interface script, so that, whenever I use those two points, Kiosk will ask us to select them while recalculating? It would be really helpful to us if we get solution to this, otherwise we won't be able to use kiosk interface for those parts. So, please help us out with the same.

NOTE: With these programs, we already have tried playing with search distance and search time in prealignment but it didn't work.

I really appreciate your time and effort.

Thank you and have a nice time.



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for automated measurements we recommend a different strategy: Create a kind of "fixture" or reference frame where you can place your part always nearly in the same position. Add reference points to the fixture. Measure the reference points and a sample part. Align your part with prealignment (with help points if necessary) and further main alignments. In the end: replace the Prealignment by Bestfit by reference points and use this new initial alignment in your template. The implicit coordinate system which you have established is now transported by your reference points. This alignment is much more robust for automatic detection than a prealignment.

This procedure must be repeated for each distinct CAD and results in one project template for each CAD.

Hope this helps?




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Hi there,

Is it also possible to use the BestFit by Reference points if there are more than one part on the same fixture?

i didn't get it to work...


Best regards 


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@Micael - best fit by reference points is not currently an option for Multi part setups.   The main constraint here is that implicitly the idea is that the points are in the co-ordinate system of the cad to have a good initial alignment.  With multiple cad this means multiple co-ordinate systems which doesnt work out.


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If you have a multipart with a VMR we recommend a 'Local Bestfit by Nominal elements' with a bigger search distance. The VMR setup gives you an initial condition which should be good enough (please calibrate your setup) and with the bigger search distance you should establish a good initial alignment.



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One additional hint to my answer: The recommendation is for 'Multipart with separate parts (no measurement alignment part is specified)'

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